Stolen Cryptocurrency Wallets

We sell the best cryptocurrency wallets stolen from different exchanges, hardware wallets. Our technical team uses industry level tools to generate keys for abandoned/lost wallets.

24*7 Technical Assistance

Any queries you have, we are here to help.

Buy with Escrow

We support escrow to make deals easy and safe.

Market Leaders

We are the market leaders with 6+ years of expertise.

Instant Delivery

Instant automated email delivery on purchase.

No. 1 SHOP

We sell 100% real and genuine wallets. Every wallet can be verified on the Blockchain before purchase.
Buy From Us

You can choose from our different wallets to buy.

Sell to Us

You can sell us any stolen wallets / hardwares / XPUB keys.

Want to talk to us? Contact us: [email protected]

How we collect wallets?

By different ways we collect cryptocurrency wallets.


We hack and collect cryptocurrency
exchanges / traders.


We recover keys for lost/stolen
hardware devices.

from Users

We buy hardware devices, XPUB keys
from sellers/theives.


REMEMBER - After you buy one of these wallet, you will get a new list with big wallets holding 50 BTC to 100 BTC in one wallet and a new mailbox to contact with us. You can’t buy next wallet with BTC from previous one directly. You have to launder coins from it properly and exchange them to FIAT currency. Watch out on how you are spending money from this, if you are buying luxury cars in a short time, then the government will sniff your source of income. Stay calm.


No price negotiations
We don’t respond to negotiations.


Pay only with Bitcoin
We accept payment only via Bitcoins.


No low amounts!
We sell minimum three orders, wallets with balance more than 0.15 BTC.

Buy wallet

Address: 1H77TNSpWc8kZjJB7ZyKCCaQV793Xy33du
Private Key: MYaqYM****************************************kWYMq
Balance: 0.33568BTC
Price: $ 125
Address: 1Bmm31RKs2CgvfueBoKLP72Zj2sCnQzsHh
Private Key: M3i1WM****************************************LRQQ3
Balance: 0.256348BTC
Price: $ 95
Address: 3BD6m6qHRJdkuxXe3BLiZLPZ14HtNMKBjz
Private Key: L3MwKn****************************************wWWW1
Balance: 0.25645BTC
Price: $ 95
Address: 3EW3VT6NZgJZUTaJF9zR3j2QgZsy8kHQM7
Private Key: Wb1bLM****************************************aMLLL
Balance: 0.23011BTC
Price: $ 95
Address: 1NnbVcjdKbk251vnuqCXbmVs72KvC1ECiv
Private Key: L3YqKM****************************************qWYWn
Balance: 0.6309BTC
Price:  $279   $ 199 [ Limited Time Offer ✔ ]
Address: 17Y94f6jJhxQqNSBoyHpxeQAvrc48oR49f
Private Key: Lw3LRM****************************************uQMRq
Balance: 0.242137BTC
Price: $ 99
Address: 1EaYqRPXP31Hc8JAcXVfrcCY1ASfGGeMvH
Private Key: QkYqWM****************************************LWYLr
Balance: 0.64262BTC
Price: $ 245
Address: 1DpULSOLD...JRiZw
Private key: KunyQM...SOLD...******************************wMKKr
Balance: 3.403 BTC ($ 193235.952)
Price: 0.01171105 BTC
Address: 13R7qSOLD...dXhzS
Private key: Kq1LLM...SOLD...******************************aKLRk
Balance: 11.268 BTC ($ 639842.112)
Price: 0.0390603 BTC
Address: 1G4uASOLD...4RUdv
Private key: L11LLM...SOLD...******************************bKKWq
Balance: 0.271 BTC ($ 15388.464)
Price: 0.00174345 BTC

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are we?

We are professional hackers and sellers who are selling the wallets which we took from crypto-exchanges, theives.

Does my country matter?

No, you can buy wallets worldwide.

Why are you selling wallets?

We are hacking the crypto-exchanges and generating the keys for lost/abandoned wallets. Taking the big wallets to us, laundering them in time. Because we don’t want to raise government’s suspicion on us.

Wallets are expensive, can you make a discount?

No, we are listing minimum 0.15 BTC balanced wallets. New wallets will be added while old ones be sold.

What will I get after purchase?

You will receive a zip file which contains a wallet.dat file, private keys, and a pdf file describing the laundering process.

Is it safe?

We store user data encrypted on our server, so your identity is 100% safe We would recommend you to use encrypted email client like Protonmail or DNMX.

How can I trust you?

On cutomers request, we accept orders via Escrow.

I have a problem with my order.

Our order processing system is automatic. So if a problem occurs, don’t hesitate to contact us.

If you couldn’t find your question here, contact us:

[email protected]